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Lesson AB24 - Recursive Array Programming
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C. The Solution to the Maze Problem page 5 of 7

import java.util.Scanner;

 * Description of the Class
 * @author Administrator
 * @created July 16, 2002
class ThreadTheMaze{
  * Description of the Field
  private final static char BLANK = ' ';
  private static final int MAXROW = 12;
  private static final int MAXCOL = 12;
  private int myMaxRow;
  private int myMaxCol;
  private char [][] myMaze;

  public ThreadTheMaze(){
   myMaze = new char [MAXROW + 1][MAXCOL + 1];
   myMaxRow = myMaze.length - 1;
   myMaxCol = myMaze[0].length - 1;

   * Initiates the trace process
   * @param none
  public void doTraceMaze() {
   traceMaze(myMaze, myMaxRow/2, myMaxCol/2);

   * Loads the maze characters from mazeData.txt
   * @param maze Description of Parameter
  private void loadMaze(){
   String line;
   Scanner in;
       in = new Scanner(new File("mazeData.txt"));

       for (int row = 1; row <= myMaxRow; row++){
              line = in.nextLine();
              for (int col = 1; col <= myMaxCol; col++){
              myMaze[row][col] = line.charAt(col-1);
   }catch(IOException i){
   System.out.println("Error: " + i.getMessage());

   * Description of the Method
   * @param maze Description of Parameter
  public void printMaze(char[][] maze){
    Scanner console = new Scanner(;

    for (int row = 1; row <= myMaxRow; row++){
      for (int col = 1; col <= myMaxCol; col++){
        System.out.print("" + maze[row][col]);
    System.out.println("Hit enter to see if there are more solutions.");
    String anything = console.nextLine();

   * Will attempt to find a path out of the maze. A
   * path will be marked with the ! marker. The method
   * makes a copy of the array each time so that only
   * the path out will be marked, otherwise extra !
   * markers will appear in the answer.
   * The function is recursive.
   * @param maze Description of Parameter
   * @param row Description of Parameter
   * @param col Description of Parameter
  public void traceMaze(char[][] maze, int row, int col){
    //char[][] mazeCopy = (char[][])maze.clone();

    char[][] mazeCopy = new char[maze.length][maze[0].length];
    for (int r = 0; r < mazeCopy.length; r++){
      for (int c = 0; c < mazeCopy[0].length; c++){
        mazeCopy[r][c] = maze[r][c];

    if (1 <= row && row <= myMaxRow && 1 <= col && col <= myMaxCol){
      // boundary check, if false, a base case
      if (BLANK == mazeCopy[row][col]){
        // if false, base case
        mazeCopy[row][col] = '!';
        if (1 == row || myMaxRow == row || 1 == col || myMaxCol == col){
          printMaze(mazeCopy); // base case
          traceMaze(mazeCopy, row - 1, col);
          traceMaze(mazeCopy, row, col + 1);
          traceMaze(mazeCopy, row + 1, col);
          traceMaze(mazeCopy, row, col - 1);


Here are the two solutions when starting at location (6,6):

  1. It is very significant that a blank space be changed to an '!' mark before the recursive calls are made. For example, suppose you began at location 6,6 and a blank space was encountered. If you didn't change the blank to an '!' mark, the recursive call to solve the upward direction would receive the location 5,6. This recursive call would eventually look back down at location 6,6 - the location where it came from. A blank space would still be there and the recursive calls would go around in circles until the computer ran out of memory.

  2. Changing the blank space to an '!' mark is like leaving a trail of markers. When a recursive call of a neighboring cell looks back at the cell from which it came, it will see a '!' mark and not a blank space.


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