Write a main menu module with the following menu choices:
(1) Fill the tree from a file
(2) Preorder output
(3) Inorder output
(4) Postorder output
(5) Count the nodes in the tree
(6) Count the leaves in the tree
(7) Find the height of the tree
(8) Find the width of the tree
(9) Clear the tree
(10) Interchange the tree(mirror image)
(11) Print level
(12) isAncestor
(q) Quit
Your task is to systematically code and test each of these methods. The data stored in this tree will be a single letter (stored as a String). The source of the letters will be two different files, each consisting of one line of capital letters: (fileA.txt) and (fileB.txt).
(fileA.txt) = KECAJGHOSRV
You should print appropriate messages, labeling each output.