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Lesson AB29 - Linked List
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AB29 Introduction page 1 of 16

In this lesson, you will study a new data structure, the linked list, which is used to implement a list of elements arranged in some kind of order. This is the backbone of the LinkedList class that is part of the Java Collections. The linked list structure uses memory that shrinks and grows as needed but not in the same way as arrays. The discussion of linked lists includes the specification and implementation of a node class. This curriculum will use the node class suggested by College Board.

This lesson will present the common manipulations performed on a linked list: adding, removing and traversing. The concepts from this lesson will provide us with the tools to build our own more advanced data structure, the binary search tree.

The key topics for this lesson are:

  1. Declarations for a Linked List
  2. Methods for Manipulating Nodes
  3. Implementing Linked Lists
  4. Traversing a Linked List - Method printList
  5. Pitfalls of Linked Data Structures
  6. Building an Ordered Linked List
  7. Linked List Algorithms
  8. Static vs. Dynamic Data Structures
  9. Doubly-Linked Lists
  10. Deleting from a Doubly-Linked List
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